At the October 29th, 2024 meeting of the Bellevue Hill Improvement Association, Inc., the then-President Ginny Gass announced she was stepping down and Tina Guarino has replaced her.
The BYLAWS, adopted in 1983, include Article VIII - Parliamentary Authority: "The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Assocation may adopt."
The new President has declared that Roberts' Rules of Order "is just a guide" and need NOT be followed. So, NO formal vote of the Board of Directors was taken prior to the Membership meeting, and NO vote was taken during the Membership meeting, to usher in the new President.
This website URL - - is privately owned. No funds from the Bellevue Hill Improvement Association, Inc, have gone to pay for any fees or work done on this site, or the previous site - - beginning in 2008.
The new leadership will take the responsibility to launch a new site.